Another month with more great memories! We are so excited that summer is here and we can enjoy more time outside as a family. This past month, we've had several visits to the park, a day at the pool, many playdates, and dinners on the back deck. And the summer has only just begun!
Here's a look at what Brock-man has been up to this month...
Food - This kid eats anything and everything! He LOVES to eat...and eat and eat. Some days we feel like we've created a food monster!
New foods: (not many this month since he eats most foods now)
Almond Milk
Almond Butter
Brock is still on a little to no dairy diet. We were previously giving him vanilla soy milk, but have recently switched to almond milk. Since he is getting an appropriate amount of calcium from the almond milk (and he had such an aversion to dairy previously), we have no plans to reintroduce him dairy anytime soon.
Movement - He has found the stairs! He can crawl up the first few steps on his own and one day made it halfway up. As scary as it is to me and Britt, we continue to encourage him to climb them. For a few months now, we've noticed that his right leg isn't quite as "up to speed" as his left leg. But climbing the stairs has really helped him to engage the muscles in both legs and bend them in new ways. In a few short weeks, we have already noticed that his right leg is beginning to catch up!

Brock is still cruising around the house (not without a few bumps along the way). We know walking is just around the corner!
Words - they are a plenty! Not only does he talk at home, but every time I pick him up from childcare at the Y, they tell me he talks non-stop. A few new additions this month are:
apple, car, peek-a-boo, up, bye-bye, and choo choo.
Brock had his first haircut this month. I was too afraid to do it myself, so I took him to the salon I usually go to. The first few days Britt and I were pretty heartbroken about it, but now we have grown to like it (no pun intended).
Hardest part the month: getting Brock to let go of or give up something he's holding (cup, toy, etc.).
Favorite part of the month: how he now relaxes and cuddles in my lap when I read to him before his naps.
A few more pics from the month:
He LOVES his cups! |
Best toy ever! |
Cruising in the coupe. |
Playing with his girl, Remi! |
He did everything he could to convince Remi that they needed to be playing with the football. |
Dinner with Hadley! |
Three cuties in a tub :) |
Watching Daddy mow the lawn makes for one happy boy! |
Red hat club. |
My boys :) |
John Cade is showing us alternative uses for Brock's raft. |
Pool time! |
Pool time didn't last too long... |
His first big shiner :( |
Snuggling with his blanket |
Playing ball with daddy :) |